Sunday, June 14, 2009

May 21, Harley Davidson Japan and Sony Visit

Hello world,

Today was a very packed day. We had two company visits that stood out as some of the best so far. First we headed to Harley Davidson Japan. This was the first company visit I had a real personal interest in, as I love everything about motorcycles. The presentation was one of the most thorough and all encompassing of all the company visits, and answered every question I had about marketing heavyweight motorcycles in an environment that I had imagined to be very unfriendly to such an Americanized product. Despite the completeness of the presentation our group managed to fill a full hour with thoughtful questions.
I’ve noticed that our group works excellently as a team when it comes to impressing our hosts (excluding one unfortunate impression). The majority of us are well prepared with insightful questions, and manage to keep the discussion flowing smoothly. Half of this seems to be driven by genuine curiosity, but mostly it seems that we have a good grasp of exactly what is necessary for us to make a good impression as a group, and so as one of us takes the floor the rest use the time to prepare the next round of questions. The teamwork I observed today was just plainly impressive, to risk sounding overly self congratulating.
But to get back to the motorcycles, the highlight of the visit for me was sitting on one of HD’s newest models, a high performance sports bike. I didn’t like the way it would ride, but it was still very exciting to sit on a $25,000 machine. I also had a nice discussion about it with a very friendly representative. She said I looked cool on the bike. I did feel pretty badass.
Anyway, I’m about out of time, which is a shame because Sony deserves a post all to itself. But to summarize quickly (unfortunately), it was by far the most impressive company visit yet. We took a tour around their showroom and saw some absolutely incredible technology. We saw the camera George Lucas used to film the first Star Wars movies, which was (to sound redundant) very impressive.
Anyway, I think its time to go out for the night.

Goodnight world.

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