Sunday, June 14, 2009

May 17, Arrival in Tokyo

Hello World.

It’s the end of our first night in Tokyo. I miss Taipei already. Not that Tokyo has been a let down in any way, (seeing as I haven’t been here long enough to experience eating dinner and drinking outside the nearest 711) but the hotel flower had begun to feel like home. Taiwan has left quite an impression on me, and now that my stay there has ended I can’t help but be distracted by thoughts of what I’m leaving behind. Even as I am achieving a lifelong goal of mine (exploring Japan) I’ve unexpectedly presented myself with another, which is to return to Taipei and explore what I’ve missed in Taiwan. I’ve come to realize that this trip won’t satisfy any of my curiosity, and will instead only…what’s the word? Provoke it?
I could talk endlessly about what I’ve experienced thus far, and so I won’t, as I’m too exhausted from the days traveling. We stay far too busy to make blogging seem worthwhile. After all, I wouldn’t be getting the most out of the trip if I missed a minute to type on my laptop. So instead here’s a brief summary of the days that have gone unblogged.
To summarize: missed wakeup call, temple, movie, awesome Japanese food, Taipei 101, amazing view, plane ride, arrival in Tokyo to a cozy private room.
Beyond all else the thing most worth noting is how lucky I am to experience this with a group of such great people. As I related to several of them in a moment of random sincerity; they have all been a part of the greatest experience of my life. So thank you, everyone, and good night.

P.S.: Can you tell I’m tipsy?


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