Sunday, June 14, 2009

May 14, Joy enterprises

Hello world,

We all got dressed up today to meet the president and founder of Joy enterprise. After a hot walk through the city we arrived at the headquarters and went upstairs, where we had to exchange our shoes for tiny slippers (for no discernable reason, as we were the only ones wearing them). Then we were ushered into a room that looked like a kindergarten classroom. Our host asked us to “pretend we are 8 years old and that we don’t know any English”, an idea we all took to instantly with impressive ambition. Our hostess arrived and treated us exactly as she would a group of kids, and we played along and genuinely had a blast. We divided into groups and played games designed to teach English to young students and essentially experienced Joy enterprises product first hand.
Afterwards we had the chance to mingle with some employees and discuss the company or whatever came to mind. All and all it was a very unique and involving experience.

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