Sunday, June 14, 2009

May 12, Giant company visit and Saxaphone museum

Our first company visit went well today. We toured the Giant bicycle factory and had a good round of Q and A. I think overall both groups were impressed with one another. The hospitality shown to us was outstanding, and we managed to behave ourselves very professionally and come up with some intelligent questions. If this was our first test of maturity in a professional business setting I’d say we certainly passed it. Our hosts certainly helped keep us involved and interested, and moved the presentation along at a perfect pace that didn’t seem rushed or longwinded.

Afterward we went to the museum honoring the first saxophone company to be established in Taiwan. The Museum is run by the daughters of the late founder, all of whom are talented saxophonists. Meagan was corralled into performing with the youngest of the daughters, which made for an interesting show to end the tour. Even though saxophone wasn’t her instrument she did a great job, even if she was a little embarrassed.

All and all it was another interesting day. I think everyone was a little concerned that the company visits might be dull, but if the others are anything like today they might be surprisingly enjoyable.

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