Sunday, June 14, 2009

May 13, Capitol Building and Karaoke box

Hello world,

It’s the fifth day of the trip, and I’m sitting in a Karaoke “box”. Finding time to write the blog has been very difficult. We stay busy, and any free time I’ve had has been devoted to sleep or exploring Taipei. This is the first time I’ve been able to sit down long enough to reflect on the trip, which has been an absolutely incredible experience. I don’t think I have the words to convey exactly what it’s like to be on the other side of the world with 20 strangers (all wonderful people by the way). I can only say (at the risk of sounding redundant) that it has been absolutely, unbelievably, incredible. I’m surrounded by people and places unlike anything I’ve ever experienced, and I’m constantly finding myself smiling out of nonspecific amazement.

Last night we rented a room at a love motel. Basically a luxurious honeymoon style suite complete with in-suite swimming pool, Jacuzzi and karaoke machine. It was huge, and the ideal place to throw a party. So, naturally, that’s exactly what we did. The group made a quick trip to 711 and proceeded to do what college kids on vacation do best. Afterwards the majority of the group headed to the bars for the after party-party. It was one of the best nights of my life, though I barely made it through.

Which brings me back to today. This morning we made a very hung over trip to the capitol building of Taiwan. After struggling through a long tour we actually did some work and examined a business case at a coffee shop, so let it be noted that it’s not all fun (only the vast majority). Now were here at the Karaoke box, and I’m attempting to tune out blasting music to write a quick blog entry.

Its not working…I give up.

Good night world.


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